Monday, January 15, 2024

ajwa dates benefits



ajwa dates benefits
ajwa dates benefits 

Ajwa Dates hold a special place in Islam. They are an unforgettable item in the month of Ramadan. They are not just like but also rich in taste and also in history.

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) liked Ajwa dates a lot and he planted the first tree of Ajwa Dates near the Quba Mosque at Madina. The significance of these dates judged from the Tibwi Nabwi.

 “One who takes seven Ajwa dates in the morning, he remains under the protection of Allah from magic and poison for the whole day”. Ajwa dates are popular not just in Muslims but also among every health conscious individual regardless of religion.

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, confirmed Ajwa Dates as a heavenly fruit on earth

Amazing Nutritional Value and Benefits of Ajwa Dates

v  Ajwa Dates are free from cholesterol. They are rich in potassium that helps in regulating blood pressure. Ajwa Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals and a powerful source of nutrients. 

v  strengthening muscles. 

v  They have zero cholesterol, fat, and sodium

v  They are enriched with Vitamin B, Vitamin K, calcium, copper, and magnesium,

v  They have also excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent a lot of inflammation conditions

v  It is also used by pregnant women for healthy baby.

v  It also improving heart health They also improve immunity system. It is a great fruit for fitness

v  Ajwa Dates helps in increasing the count of healthy sperm, increasing sex drive, and other conditions that lead to male fertility. It can help increase fertility levels in males when consistently consumed for a long period.

v  they are great for your abdominal health and helps relieve constipation, indigestion, intestinal problems.

Ajwa dated are very helpful for those males who are facing sperm and erection problem in their marriage life also for female which are facing lot of sexuality problem specially those women which are not enjoying sex life with their partners, ajwa dated increase breast size of female and also increase the milk production after child birth. 

A new research Ajwa dates contains active elements useful in the prevention of diseases like cancer.

Ajwa Dates are also very helpful during the time of child birth for easy delivery and less pain to mother., Ajwa khjoor increase of mother’s milk production

Ajwa Dates are considered a nutritional powerhouse and help in weight loss, reduce oxidative stress, help to fight against diabetes also have anti-aging properties

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