Monday, January 29, 2024

how to improve male and female Fertility health. improve sperm production and motility in male.


how to improve male and femle Fertility health. improvesperm production and motility in male.
how to improve male and femle Fertility health. improvesperm production and motility in male. 

     For Male Fertility


Found in foods such as oysters, beef, pumpkin and lentils, zinc is necessary for sperm production and motility.


Found in foods such as green leafy  vegetables, lentils and citrus fruits, folate is important for sperm health and DNA integrity.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, found in fruits such as oranges, strawberries, kiwis and vegetables such as green peppers, will help increase sperm quality.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

Products include oily fish (salmon, mackerel), walnuts and flaxseed. Omega-3 plays a role in sperm morphology and motility.


Foods containing antioxidants, such as fruits, nuts and dark chocolate, will help reduce oxidative stress and improve sperm function.


 Lycopene is found in tomatoes, tomatoes and red oranges and is associated with improved sperm quality.


For Female Fertility


Folic Acid

 Folate has been shown to be important for gut health and is found in green vegetables, legumes, and fortified grains.


Foods such as lean meat, beans and spinach are rich in iron, which is important in preventing diabetes during pregnancy.


 Dairy products, green leafy vegetables and fruits are rich in calcium, which is important for healthy bones and muscles.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

important for fetal brain development, including fatty fish, chia seeds and flaxseeds. Sunlight exposure of milkweed is important for bone health and may play a role in fertility.


 Fruits, nuts, and vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are rich in antioxidants that will help support children's growth.

Fertility-friendly fats.

 Avocados, olive oil and nuts provide healthy monounsaturated fats that may improve fertility.

Friday, January 26, 2024

The life cycle of a butterfly is a beautiful process of the nature


The life cycle of a butterfly is a beautiful process of the nature
The life cycle of a butterfly is a beautiful process of the nature

The life cycle of a butterfly is a beautiful process of the nature consisting of four distinct stages. Egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (pupae) and adult. This changes are called complete metamorphosis. Let's we examine each stage also in detail.


1-  Egg The life cycle begins when the female butterfly lays small, round eggs on the leaves of special plants. The choice of host plant depends on the species of butterfly. Eggs are usually bound to plants with a special cream. Eggs of different butterflies differ in size, shape and color.


2-  Larva (Caterpillar)  When the egg hatches, it enters the larval stage called caterpillar. The main purpose of a caterpillar is to eat and grow. Caterpillars have mouths and usually feed on the leaves of plants. They molt several times and change their exoskeleton to match their size. A caterpillar's body consists of different sections that often contain hairs or other structures to protect it from predators.


3-  Pupa (pupa)   After the caterpillar reaches its maximum size, it enters the process called pupation and forms a protective layer called chrysalis or chrysalis. In the pupa, the caterpillar undergoes cellular changes and turns into a butterfly. This stage is a period of rapid growth and metamorphosis. Pupae can vary in color and appearance, sometimes resembling rocks or blending in with their surroundings.


4-  Adult  When metamorphosis is completed, the adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. This closure is a small process and the butterfly needs time for its wings to expand and dry.

Adult butterflies are the reproductive stage of their life cycle. Its main purpose is to find partners, increase them and ensure the continuity of the brand. Adult butterflies feed on nectar from flowers and work as pollinators in the process. The length of the adult stage varies between different butterfly species.

تتلی کی زندگی کا چکر فطرت کا ایک خوبصورت عمل ہے جو چار الگ الگ مراحل پر مشتمل ہے۔ انڈے، لاروا (کیٹرپلر)، پیوپا (پیوپا) اور بالغ۔ اس تبدیلی کو مکمل میٹامورفوسس کہا جاتا ہے۔ آئیے ہم ہر مرحلے کا تفصیل سے جائزہ لیتے ہیں۔

1- انڈے کی زندگی کا چکر اس وقت شروع ہوتا ہے جب مادہ تتلی خاص پودوں کے پتوں پر چھوٹے، گول انڈے دیتی ہے۔ میزبان پودے کا انتخاب تتلی کی انواع پر منحصر ہے۔ انڈے عام طور پر ایک خاص کریم کے ساتھ پودوں سے جڑے ہوتے ہیں۔ مختلف تتلیوں کے انڈے سائز، شکل اور رنگ میں مختلف ہوتے ہیں۔

2- لاروا (کیٹرپلر) جب انڈا نکلتا ہے تو یہ لاروا مرحلے میں داخل ہوتا ہے جسے کیٹرپلر کہتے ہیں۔ کیٹرپلر کا بنیادی مقصد کھانا اور بڑھنا ہے۔ کیٹرپلر کے منہ ہوتے ہیں اور وہ عام طور پر پودوں کے پتے کھاتے ہیں۔ وہ کئی بار پگھلتے ہیں اور اپنے سائز سے ملنے کے لیے اپنے exoskeleton کو تبدیل کرتے ہیں۔ کیٹرپلر کا جسم مختلف حصوں پر مشتمل ہوتا ہے جس میں اکثر بال یا دیگر ڈھانچے ہوتے ہیں تاکہ اسے شکاریوں سے بچایا جا سکے۔

3- Pupa (pupa) کیٹرپلر اپنے زیادہ سے زیادہ سائز تک پہنچنے کے بعد، یہ pupation نامی عمل میں داخل ہوتا ہے اور ایک حفاظتی تہہ بناتا ہے جسے کریسالیس یا کریسالیس کہتے ہیں۔ پپو میں، کیٹرپلر سیلولر تبدیلیوں سے گزرتا ہے اور تتلی میں بدل جاتا ہے۔ یہ مرحلہ تیز رفتار ترقی اور میٹامورفوسس کا دور ہے۔ Pupae رنگ اور ظاہری شکل میں مختلف ہو سکتے ہیں، بعض اوقات چٹانوں سے مشابہت رکھتے ہیں یا اپنے گردونواح میں گھل مل جاتے ہیں۔

4- بالغ جب میٹامورفوسس مکمل ہو جاتا ہے، بالغ تتلی کریسالس سے نکلتی ہے۔ یہ بندش ایک چھوٹا عمل ہے اور تتلی کو اپنے پروں کے پھیلنے اور خشک ہونے کے لیے وقت درکار ہوتا ہے۔

بالغ تتلیاں جنہیں بالغ تتلیاں بھی کہا جاتا ہے، ان کی زندگی کے چکر کا تولیدی مرحلہ ہوتا ہے۔ اس کا بنیادی مقصد شراکت داروں کو تلاش کرنا، ان میں اضافہ کرنا اور برانڈ کے تسلسل کو یقینی بنانا ہے۔ بالغ تتلیاں پھولوں سے امرت کھاتی ہیں اور اس عمل میں جرگ کا کام کرتی ہیں۔ بالغ مرحلے کی لمبائی تتلی کی مختلف انواع کے درمیان مختلف ہوتی ہے۔

why peoples are facing stress in life and how we improve our health or factors which increase and decrease stress in life


why peoples are facing stress in life and how we improve our health or factors which increase and decrease stress in life
why peoples are facing stress in life and how we improve our health or factors which increase and decrease stress in life

There are many reasons people experience stress in lives, and this can be unfair by both external and internal factors. Here are some  reasons and remedies are following.

Work and Activities Causes stress high workload, off hours, unstable work or conflict between job positions create stress.  Create a healthy work life, set realistic goals, communicate with colleagues and seek advice or career guidance.

 Financial problems such as debt, financial instability or stress of fulfilling financial responsibilities can be stressful in life. Explore ways to increase income or manage expenses effectively in life. Relationships Conflicts, misunderstandings or lack of communication in relationships can also lead to stress in life. Listen carefully to each other before communicating openly and honestly, seek social counseling when necessary, and spend quality time together and with love ones.

  Health problems also Causes of stress. Chronic diseases, health problems or concerns about your physical health can cause great stress. Development: Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly , eating well foods and getting enough sleep at night time. Talk to a doctor for guidance and support if needed. Family Problems also Causes of Stressful life.

Family conflict, parental stress or care responsibilities can cause stress in life. Improvement: Establish clear communication within the family, set realistic expectations, and consider seeking family therapy or counseling to resolve underlying issues in life. Uncertain future events, major life changes, or fear of the unknown can cause pure stress. Improve and Develop problem solving skills that focus on how you control things can  and stay strong in life. See change as an opportunity for personal growth and adaptation.

Stress caused by poor time management leads to the constant feeling of falling behind. Improve that set realistic goals, break large tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and learn to delegate whenever possible. Lack of Self Care alos lead to Depression Lack of self care, such as lack of sleep, poor nutrition and lack of rest in life can lead to stress. Prioritize your self care, including regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and activities that bring joy and relaxation.

 Social Isolation also a Stress Feeling lonely or  isolated can affect mental health. Develop or Build relationships, join clubs or groups with common interests, and  stay in touch with friends and family members. Mental Health Challenges and Conditions such as stress, depression, or other mental health conditions can cause stress. Development: Seek  help from a psychiatrist, therapist or counselor. Develop cope strategies, practice mindfulness, and consider any treatments or medications your doctor recommends to improve life.


enviroment changes effects in Pakistan


enviroment changes effects in Pakistan
enviroment changes effects in Pakistan

Climate and environmental change has a large impact on Pakistan and affects all aspects of the country's economy and natural economy. Some of the major impacts are followings.

Changing type of weather including increased rainfall and rising temperatures, have led to water shortage in Pakistan. This is particularly relevant in agriculture, which is a large sector of the economy and relies a lot on water.

Agricultural Productivity. Changes in temperature patterns can  affect crop yields in Pakistan. Unpredictable weather events such as floods or floods can destroy crops, causing food shortages and financial losses for farmers.

The glaciers are melting. Pakistan have to many glaciers and the melting of the glaciers will increase the water level in pakistan. Changes in ice structure have an impact on water supply, affecting  agriculture sector and water use. Pakistan has experienced extreme weather conditions, including heat waves, flooding and hurricanes. These events can lead to loss of life, displacement of communities and damage the infrastructure, complicating disaster management and recovery efforts in Pakistan.

Changing weather conditions may affect the spread of the different disease. For example, temperature and changing rainfall conditions can affect the spread of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Sea rise conditions in Pakistan's coastlines are vulnerable to sea level rise, affecting communities and ecosystems. This poses risks to infrastructure, fisheries and the general health of coastal communities in local resident of Pakistan.

Environmental change can destroy eco-systems, resulting in loss of natural resources. This impacts the country's flora and fauna, potentially affecting eco-system services, agriculture and the overall ecological balance in country.

Pakistan relies on hydroelectric power for some of its electricity production. Changes in water resources and  flows can affect the reliability of hydroelectric power system, cause energy shortages, and increase dependence on other energy sources. Conflict and Economy as Communities affected by conflict, often with limited resources and infrastructure are  affected by a process of change by environment. This creates existing conflicts and economies, creating further hardship for system.

Adapting to and justifying the impacts of climate change and environmental problems requires effective policies. Policy makers in Pakistan face the challenges of developing and implementing strategies to solve these problems while balancing the need for economic development in country.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

How to fit yourself in age of 50's Fiteness tips or seven important fitnes steps


How to fit yourself in age of 50's Fiteness tips or seven important fitnes steps
How to fit yourself in age of 50's Fiteness tips or seven important fitnes steps

 1. Proper nutrition: Proper nutrition is the basis of health. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. Avoid eating too much processed foods, sugary foods, and high-fat foods. Moisturization is also very important; Drink enough water to keep your body functioning properly.

 2. Regular exercise: Regular physical activity is important for having a healthy mind and body. Aim for at least 140 minutes of  exercise a week, such as brisk walking, jogging or cycling. Exercise releases endorphins, helping to build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, and improve mental health.

 3. Adequate sleep: Good sleep is very important for overall health. To establish a consistent sleep pattern, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Good sleep supports cognitive function, emotional regulation, and physical recovery.

 4. Stress management: Chronic stress can be harmful to health. Incorporate stress management techniques into your  life, such as deep breathing, yoga or spending time in nature. Finding activities that bring relaxation and joy can also help reduce stress in life.

 5. Hygiene: Good hygiene is important to prevent any kind of infection. Wash your hands regularly, practice good oral hygiene and follow good personal hygiene in life. These habits can protect you and the people around you from infection also.

 6. Regular health check-up Schedule regular  check-up to monitor your overall health. Screening and take preventive measures can detect potential problems early enough for timely intervention in life. Speak to a doctor for personalized advice and guidance in proper way.

 7. Limiting problems: Reducing the consumption of harmful drugs such as cigarettes, excessive alcohol consumption and also illegal drugs. These medications can cause severe pain and cause many diseases in body. Making good decisions about medication use is important for long-term health and fitness.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Imran khan Chairperson of PTI Life Achiements and Political Overview


Imran khan Chairperson of PTI  Life Achiements and Political Overview
Imran khan Chairperson of PTI  Life Achiements and Political Overview 

    Imran Khan's life is a story of great achievements in sports and politics. Imran Khan was born on 5 October 1952 in Lahore, Pakistan. Imran Khan's boxing career started when he was still a student at a university in Pakistan. He studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University.


 He soon became known for his excellent bowling skills and  made his debut for the Pakistan  cricket team in 1971. Imran Khan's career peaked in 1992 when he led Pakistan to their first World Cup title and captured the hearts of millions with his inspirational leadership. and overall performance.

 Imran Khan's journey is not limited to the limelight. After his retirement in 1992, he turned his attention to politics with the aim of bringing positive change to Pakistan. In 1996, he founded  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), a political party dedicated to anti-corruption, justice and good governance. Imran Khan's journey into politics was not easy. He faced challenges, setbacks, and criticism, but his determination and passion kept him moving forward. Over the years, 

PTI has gained popularity, especially among the youth, for its anti-establishment approach and commitment to reform. Imran Khan's political career reached a historic turning point when PTI won the general elections in July 2018. Imran Khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan and realized his long-dreamed dream of turning his vision into action.


Imran Khan faces many challenges, including economic difficulties, opposition criticism and difficult geographical issues. His government focused on measures to prevent corruption, improve health and education, and improve financial security. Imran Khan has been praised and scrutinized for his leadership  as he navigates the complex web of Pakistan's political system. Imran Khan's financial contribution as well as politics is also important. The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Center in Lahore, which he founded  in memory of his mother who died of cancer, is a testament to his commitment to public consumption.

Imran Khan's life is full of resilience, transformation and service to his country. From cricket  to politics, he  left an indelible mark on Pakistan's history. His journey demonstrates the complexity and success of a life dedicated to making a positive impact on people and leaving a  legacy for future generations.


1. Imran Khan founded PTI in 1996 with the aim of creating a political platform to solve the problems of corruption, good governance and  justice in Pakistan. The party had limited success in its early years, but grew stronger over time.


2.Imran Khan's transformation from cricket icon to  political leader. His charisma, clean image and anti-corruption efforts attracted the attention of many Pakistanis, especially the youth. PTI maintains itself as a party that wants to fight against the political system.


3.PTI initially faced problems in the elections but  gradually increased its power in politics. A breakthrough came in the 2018 general elections when PTI became the  largest party and Imran Khan became the prime minister.


4. Imran Khan took office as Prime Minister  in August 2018. His government focused on various issues such as economic reforms, social welfare and the fight against corruption. However, governing a  diverse and complex country like Pakistan faces many challenges.


5. Imran Khan's government is facing criticism on many fronts, including economic, administrative issues and opposition to certain decisions. Domestic and international political problems make his leadership difficult.


6. Imran Khan's government has grappled with major foreign issues, including relations with neighbors like India and Afghanistan and determining Pakistan's role in the world.


7. Besides politics, Imran Khan continues his Charity Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Center and Namal University are  the main projects related to his volunteer work.


8. Imran Khan and his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) always talk about fighting corruption. They announced their promise to eliminate corruption in Pakistani politics and establish a democratic system based on transparency and accountability.


9. Imran Khan frequently criticizes Pakistan's political institutions over allegations of graft and corruption. He spoke out against what he saw as the culture of corruption plaguing the country's politics.


10.  As Prime Minister, Imran Khan has promised to implement effective accountability measures to combat corruption in the government. This includes establishing an anti-corruption unit and  strengthening  existing accreditation bodies.


11. Imran Khan's government aims to reform laws to strengthen its anti-corruption programme. This includes efforts to increase the independence and effectiveness of institutions responsible for investigating and prosecuting corruption cases.


12. Although Imran Khan's anti-corruption policy has received support from many quarters, there is also criticism and competition. Some critics believe accountability will be  motivated by politics or that progress  in bringing high-profile individuals to justice will be slow.


13. Imran Khan campaigned against amnesty schemes like the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), which provides protection to individuals involved in corruption. It promotes strict accountability and no excuses for anything.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Election Survey District Multan 2024

Election Survey District Multan 2024
Election Survey District Multan 2024

According to local survey in District Multan the people of the district are disappointed from their leaders of the political parties. The mostly peoples said that this is first election since from history of Pakistan where the voter will search actual candidates of PTI. In current scenario in Multan District the PPP have the chance and majority to win the maximum seats of NA and PP in Multan District. In Multan PPP standing in first position and PTI in second The PML N standing in third position in current scenario of Election 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

ajwa dates benefits



ajwa dates benefits
ajwa dates benefits 

Ajwa Dates hold a special place in Islam. They are an unforgettable item in the month of Ramadan. They are not just like but also rich in taste and also in history.

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) liked Ajwa dates a lot and he planted the first tree of Ajwa Dates near the Quba Mosque at Madina. The significance of these dates judged from the Tibwi Nabwi.

 “One who takes seven Ajwa dates in the morning, he remains under the protection of Allah from magic and poison for the whole day”. Ajwa dates are popular not just in Muslims but also among every health conscious individual regardless of religion.

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, confirmed Ajwa Dates as a heavenly fruit on earth

Amazing Nutritional Value and Benefits of Ajwa Dates

v  Ajwa Dates are free from cholesterol. They are rich in potassium that helps in regulating blood pressure. Ajwa Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals and a powerful source of nutrients. 

v  strengthening muscles. 

v  They have zero cholesterol, fat, and sodium

v  They are enriched with Vitamin B, Vitamin K, calcium, copper, and magnesium,

v  They have also excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent a lot of inflammation conditions

v  It is also used by pregnant women for healthy baby.

v  It also improving heart health They also improve immunity system. It is a great fruit for fitness

v  Ajwa Dates helps in increasing the count of healthy sperm, increasing sex drive, and other conditions that lead to male fertility. It can help increase fertility levels in males when consistently consumed for a long period.

v  they are great for your abdominal health and helps relieve constipation, indigestion, intestinal problems.

Ajwa dated are very helpful for those males who are facing sperm and erection problem in their marriage life also for female which are facing lot of sexuality problem specially those women which are not enjoying sex life with their partners, ajwa dated increase breast size of female and also increase the milk production after child birth. 

A new research Ajwa dates contains active elements useful in the prevention of diseases like cancer.

Ajwa Dates are also very helpful during the time of child birth for easy delivery and less pain to mother., Ajwa khjoor increase of mother’s milk production

Ajwa Dates are considered a nutritional powerhouse and help in weight loss, reduce oxidative stress, help to fight against diabetes also have anti-aging properties

Monday, January 8, 2024

Schools across Punjab will open on 10th January Notification issued.


Schools across Punjab will open on 10th January Notification issued.

Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab Mohsin Naqvi announced that Schools across Punjab will open on 10th January. The timings of the schools have been changed according to which the schools will open at 9:30 AM from 10th January. Increase in winter holidays in public and private educational institutions of Punjab was rejected by Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab Mohsin Naqvi. Notification issued.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

PSL Schedule 2024: Pakistan Super League (PSL 9) Fixtures

PSL Schedule 2024: Pakistan Super League (PSL 9) Fixtures








Multan Sultans Vs Lahore Qalandars



7:30 pm


Karachi Kings vs Peshawar Zalmi



07:00 pm


Multan Sultans vs Quetta Gladiators



07:00 pm


Karachi Kings vs Islamabad United



07:00 pm


Multan Sultans vs Peshawar Zalmi



07:00 pm


Karachi Kings vs Quetta Gladiators



07:00 pm


Multan Sultans vs Islamabad United



02:00 pm


Karachi Kings vs Lahore Qalandars



07:00 pm


Quetta Gladiators vs Peshawar Zalmi



07:00 pm


Quetta Gladiators vs Lahore Qalandars



07:00 pm


Multan Sultans vs Karachi Kings



07:00 pm


Peshawar Zalmi vs Islamabad United



07:00 pm


Quetta Gladiators vs Islamabad United



07:00 pm


Karachi Kings vs Multan Sultans



02:00 pm


Lahore Qalandars vs Peshawar Zalmi



07:00 pm


Lahore Qalandars vs Islamabad United



07:00 pm


Peshawar Zalmi vs Karachi Kings



07:00 pm


Lahore Qalandars Vs Quetta Gladiators



07:00 pm
(Pak Time)


Islamabad United vs Karachi Kings



07:00 pm


Lahore Qalandars vs Multan Sultans



07:00 pm


Islamabad United vs Quetta Gladiators



07:00 pm


Quetta Gladiators vs Karachi Kings



07:00 pm


Peshawar Zalmi vs Lahore Qalandars



02:00 pm


Islamabad United vs Multan Sultans



07:00 pm


Peshawar Zalmi vs Quetta Gladiators



07:00 pm


Islamabad United vs Lahore Qalandars



07:00 pm


Peshawar Zalmi vs Multan Sultans



07:00 pm


Quetta Gladiators vs Multan Sultans



07:00 pm


Islamabad United vs Peshawar Zalmi



02:00 pm


Lahore Qalandars vs Karachi Kings



07:00 pm


Qualifier (Team 1 vs Team 2)



07:00 pm


Eliminator 1 (Team 3 vs Team 4)



07:00 pm


Eliminator 2 (Eliminator Winner vs Qualifier Runner-up)



07:00 pm


TBA      Final



07:00 pm